5 People we need in our Life

سلام عليكم 

we are living in a very challenging era, hardships surround us, difficulties everywhere, very hard to find out what is right and what is wrong, the wrong path seems like the right and the right path is concealed that least people can able to see it, We need somebody in our Life who knows all the down, who knows the right path and can see behind the path better than us.

it could be a Parent, it could be a Teacher, it could be a Life Partner, it could be a sibling, it could be a Friend, or someone else. You need somebody who listens to You and understands what you're going through. 

We need somebody Who can challenge us when we're talking nonsense, We need somebody Who expects more from us than we expect from ourselves --- and Who sees our Capabilities and Potential more clearly than we do. 

But know that we should avoid sitting with bad people. 

Mola Ameer-ul-Momineen Imam Ali (Alaihis Salam) said:

Evil comes from the company of bad people.  Just like when air passes through a stinking thing, it becomes stinky

We need somebody who guides us when we make mistakes to correct it, who forgets our mistakes (after correcting it) and encourage & praise us when we do something good.

Most Importantly we need to find Five People in Our Life

1: Who Motivate & Inspire You

we need to find someone who will Motivate & inspire us in every stage of our life, during hardships, during joyful moments, during works, projects, and even during sad moments.

2: Who can make you Aware of mistakes

You need to find someone who can identify your mistakes and notify you to correct it (on time).

3: Who supports and Appreciates You

We have to find someone who will support us on our hard days and not let us down when we are surrounded by problems, and who will appreciate us when we do something good. 

4: Who have Good Manners

We have to find someone with Good Manners and have a sense of good communication skills, and we need to move away from ill-mannered people.

5: Who is Simple & Nice Hearted

This Quality is especially for Life Partner, we need to find someone (to be our Life Partner) who's lifestyle is simple and have a nice heart, who have the heart to forgive you if you make mistakes and repent it.

You should not expose your Husband/Wife mistakes to others, Life Partner should have Secret Keeping ability, have a Nice Heart, Life Partners should encourage each other during hard puriods of Life.

NOTE: Always Pray to have (above mentioned) people in your life from your Creator ''ALMIGHTY ALLAH'' and if you get these people in your life, Thanks to your Creator ''ALLAH'' as much as possible. 

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Also check out Article on 5 Habits to Acquire before the end of the Year 2020  


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